Upcoming Board Meetings
May 3rd - 7:00 PM
West Metro Fire Protection District - 6220 N. Roxborough Drive
Special meeting of the Board of Directors
May 17th
**Note: The regular meetings move to Wednesdays for the remainder of 2023
Regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Agendas and packets will be posted here once finalized.
News and Announcements
Playground Updates

The Community Park and Airplane Park playgrounds are closed until further notice. Upon inspection, it was determined that Community Park and Airplane Park playgrounds are no longer safe for use.
Airplane Park- The Board has requested proposals to conduct the repairs needed; once received and approved the work will be done as soon as possible.
Moving Forward- The Board is reviewing options for new playgrounds, including several grant options. The Board is weighing several game plans; once they have decided on their plan moving forward we will post that information here.
Wildfire Mitigation Strategies​
​The RVMD Board encourages everyone to review the community wildfire plan as well as sign up for the CodeRED Emergency Mass Notification system. Sign up for CodeRED.
Having a plan in place can allow for a faster and safer evacuation in case of an emergency. Below are links to West Metro Fire, Douglas County Sheriff, and FEMA. This information is vital, not only during an urban interface fire, but other disasters as well.
Stay safe and healthy."