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Recreation Center Task Force

This page contains all of the background information—which includes site analysis, market data, economic analysis, facility programming options, conceptual designs—that were reviewed by the Metro District’s Rec Center Task Force between January and May, 2021.  For updated information, visit



The Roxborough Village Metro District completed a long-range Master Plan process in 2019-2020.  There was a great deal of interest from the community in exploring a recreation facility, and surveys were conducted that also indicated strong community support.  Read more here in the recent Metro District Newsletter


The Metro District board of directors has authorized preliminary studies to explore options and see what's possible and feasible for a rec center to serve the community.  The Metro District board also authorized the formation of a Task Force of community members to look at options in-depth.  This includes investigating facility features, design options, and financing. 


No project has been approved. The Board of Directors and the Rec Center Task Force are focused on analyzing options and due diligence. The Metro District board of Directors will then decide whether to bring the funding question to Roxborough Village voters in an election, probably in November 2021. Voters will have the final say.


There will be many opportunities for the community to provide feedback and stay engaged in this process. Stay tuned!



Frequently Asked Questionsupdated every Tuesday

Task Force Meeting #1: January 11, 2021

Topics: Task Force Orientation, Introductions. Overview of Metro District Metro Plan, Feasibility Study survey results, background on mill levies. Additional research and fact-finding. 


Task Force Meeting #2: February 8, 2021

Topics: Community Park site challenges and opportunities. Facility options, and recreation and community center features, amenities and services.  Community needs and priorities as indicated by research from Feasibility Study, and considerations on the size of a facility. Review of potential facility features and services, and general construction costs, operating costs and revenue opportunities.


Task Force Meeting #3: March 1, 2021

Topics: Further review of market research from the Rec Center Feasibility Study, including key demographics and the potential for household memberships among the population within a 5-mile distance from the Roxborough Village Metro District.  Introduction to potential finance options. Also: conceptual designs and diagrams for various sizes of a facility at the Community Park site, including different combinations of fitness/physical activity features, and community-building and social activity spaces. 


Task Force Meeting #4: March 22, 2021

Topics: Presentation on conceptual design and programming, incorporating feedback from the Task Force in the March 1st initial design presentation. Review of updated design of amenities, features and building architecture. Discussion of the District's community communications and opportunities for information -sharing in Roxborough Village.


Task Force Meeting #5: April 22, 2021
Topics: Presentation on financial considerations for the conceptual design and features (see presentation Meeting #4).  Review of estimated construction costs.  Summary of estimated operating costs.  Review of revenue potential from memberships, programs and activity fees.  Analysis of possible mill levy scenarios to support financing of construction and operations. 


Task Force Meeting #6: May 10, 2021
Topics: Overview of feedback on conceptual design and main recommendations from the task force process.  Revised design reduces the facility size by nearly 20 percent while retaining the main function areas (swimming, gymnasium, fitness-cardio, and community flexible space).  New design reduces the building length by 100 feet and increases the efficiency of the interior spaces, and also increases the buffer from the north end of Community Park to 165 feet which expands the area available for sledding. 

Additional Information and Reports:


Site Analysis: The Feasibility Study Phase I Report provides an analysis of potential sites for a recreation center, with the recommended site in Community Park. This report was presented to the RVMD Board of Directors in March 2020. 


Feasibility Study - Market Research and Analysis: This section of the Feasibility Study includes market analysis and survey results. This report was presented to the RVMD Board of Directors in September 2020.


Frequently Asked Questions: These FAQs address questions received from the community regarding the potential Recreation Center. The FAQs will be updated on Tuesdays. 

© 2023 Roxborough Village Metropolitan District

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